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Dr. Reldan, "Relly," Nadler is a leading psychologist and Executive Coach focusing on developing and providing cutting edge Emotional Intelligence tools and strategies for CEO's, Executives, leaders, managers and their organizations and teams.  His company, True North Leadership, recognizes and addresses the challenges leaders face today:


  • The USA lost 8.4 million jobs from 2007 to 2009.
  • 40% of the American workforce will be eligible for retirement in 2010.  Leaders have to contend with a projected shortfall of 10 million workers in the next few years.
  • The Baby Boomer generation that is retiring has a higher Emotional Intelligence than Generation X and Y people who are coming into leadership positions.  This is due to their time utilizing technology rather than face-to-face interaction with others.
  • Developing leadership bench strength has been a priority for organizations for the last 4 years.